
Hello, and welcome to my practice. I am a licensed acupuncturist, herbalist, and certified functional medicine practitioner. I have always had passion for health, wellness, and natural living, and a desire to share that with others. I am a strong believer in the innate healing potential of the human body and the wisdom of Nature, therefore my practice is focused on helping women restore balance and bring vibrancy into their lives through a combination of acupuncture, botanical medicine, nutritional supplementation, and diet and lifestyle coaching.

My passion for health and vitality inspires my continual study of both traditional and modern health and lifestyle practices, particularly in the realm of women’s health. I have  been a licensed acupuncturist since 2008 after receiving more than 5000 hours of training in Traditional Chinese Medicine at the Santa Barbara College of Oriental Medicine and via a clinical internship with local acupuncturist and master herbalist, Jean Yu L.Ac. I have also completed advanced training in orthopedic and sports medicine acupuncture with Whitfield Reaves, L.Ac., Levity Yoga Teacher Training, and am certified as a functional medicine practitioner. Currently, I am enrolled in the 400 hour Herbal Medicine for Women program with Aviva Romm, M.D.
I look forward to working with you and supporting you on your path to radiant health and vitality!

Best of Health,