
  • Holistic Women's Health

    A natural whole woman approach to women’s health and hormone balance. An integrative approach that utilizes diet, lifestyle, herbs, and acupuncture for optimal health and vitality throughout all stages of a woman’s life.

  • herbal medicine

    Botanicals are used both medicinally and as source of deep nourishment to tonify the body and optimize overall health and vitality. They are safe are effective treatment for a wide variety of health concerns.

  • acupuncture

    Acupuncture is an ancient healing modality that supports the innate healing processes of the body-mind system through the neuroendocrine system. During an acupuncture treatment fine, sterile needles are places in acupuncture points (areas of the body known to have high concentrations of nerves and blood vessels) stimulating the body to return to homeostasis. In modern medicine it is now considered part of an evidence based system of healthcare.

  • functional lab testing

    Saliva, dried urine, or serum labs can be utilized to provide a more detailed perspective of your current state of health, develop targeted treatment protocols, and track progress. Lab testing is available from DUTCH (Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones), ZRT Labs, Genova Diagnostics, and local laboratories.

  • orthopedic acupuncture

    Orthopedic acupuncture is a style of acupuncture based on western anatomy which works primarily by releasing trigger points, activating nerve pathways, and increasing circulation to the affected tissue. Gentle microcurrent is often applied to the needles to enhance the healing effects of acupuncture.

  • nutrition

    Nutrition is an essential element of health, having a direct and immediate effect on our health and vitality. Personalized nutritional guidance is offered to optimize health and healing.

  • cupping

    Glass cups are suctioned onto the skin, increasing microcirculation to facilitate healing and release tension in the muscles and fascia.

  • lifestyle design

    Optimal health and vitality is built on the foundations of proper diet and lifestyle. Personalized diet and lifestyle guidance is focused on supporting female hormone balance and optimizing health and longevity.